Find all your visuals, fast
Find your images and video fast. Search your visual content with Dash and save hours each day.
Start your free trial - no credit card needed

Automatic tags for ⚡️ultra-fast⚡ ️searching

Tag objects 🚩
Dash can tag objects for you. Search 'chair' and all your chair pictures will appear.

Find images by location 📍
If your image has geolocation metadata of where it was taken, you can search by address text.

Search 🔍 by text in image
Dash can tag objects for you. Search 'chair' and all your chair pictures will appear.

Tag objects 🚩
Dash can tag objects for you. Search 'chair' and all your chair pictures will appear.

Find images by location 📍
If your image has geolocation metadata of where it was taken, you can search by address text.

Search 🔍 by text in image
Dash can tag objects for you. Search 'chair' and all your chair pictures will appear.
Marketers and creatives
💙 love 💙 Dash
Your Dash 🤝 your rules
Think of how your team want to search for assets. By product, campaign or the creator who took the photo?
Once you know that, the rest is easy. Create your own fields, tags and filters and your team will be able to find what they need.

Keep personal collections 🔒
Create personal collections of images you'd like to use in your next campaign. Or gather assets for a top secret project you're working on - your secret's safe with Dash.
Build a folder structure that works for you 🗂
Sometimes, only a trusty folder will do it.
Use folders on Dash to collect together different types of assets so your team have everything they need for their project - without having to go hunting.

People using Dash save time ⏰
Such a timesaver!
Great platform to keep brand assets organized
Great for sharing assets
An in-house Getty Images
An invaluable tool
Saving hours of photo searching!
Speed up ⚡ your marketing️
Speed up the time it takes to get content in front of customers. Upload images and video to Dash. Then send them out to your channels in a few clicks.
Start your free trial - no credit card needed